It seems like a fairly harmless sounding drug… spice.
Yet, it is in a class of synthetic cannabinoids that are anything but harmless. Spice is a popular street term for a mixture of herbs infused with chemicals to produce a psychoactive effect that has many similarities to marijuana. Spice is sold under names such as K2, Moon Rocks, Yucatan Fire, Skunk and Fake Weed. Despite the fact that the synthetic compounds often found in Spice were banned by the Synthetic Drug Abuse Prevention Act of 2012, Spice continues to be very popular among teenagers, sparking the need for spice drug rehab.
The National Institute on Drug Abuse has taken a hard-line position on Spice, saying that makers often falsely claim their product contains “all natural” psychoactive plant material. This is partly true, as some plant material is present. However, this plant material isn’t the active ingredient. Instead, the active ingredients are designer cannabinoid compounds, aka: synthetic drugs.
From “Harmless Drug” to Addiction to the Need for Spice Drug Rehab
For several years, Spice was readily available for purchase at gas stations, head shops and websites. But before long, spice addiction was rampant, and spice drug rehab was suddenly in demand. When it became known that the chemicals used in Spice are extremely addictive and offer no medical benefits, the DEA designated five frequently used chemicals in the manufacture of Spice as Schedule I drugs. In doing so, these chemicals became illegal to buy or sell. Unfortunately, Spice manufacturers simply found similar chemicals that weren’t banned. Sadly, most of these chemicals are unsafe for consumption and cause a major problem that frequently requires professional spice drug rehab.
Spice can be purchased in many different varieties. It can be sold as incense, yet it usually appears more like a potpourri. Although it’s frequently part of an herbal infusion that is taken orally, Spice is most typically smoked. It can be smoked by itself or with marijuana. Regardless of how it is taken, it is creating a boom industry that no one ever wanted for spice drug rehab treatment.
What Does Spice Do To the Body and Brain?
Spice’s effects on users is often compared to the effects of weed. Users report feeling relaxed and having an elevated mood and an altered perception. If that was all this drug did, the danger might be minimal. Unfortunately, the effects can frequently be stronger and more unpredictable than marijuana. In some cases, users have reported experiencing paranoia, intense anxiety and even hallucinations in some cases.
As with many illegal drugs, it’s virtually impossible to know what chemicals will be in Spice from one batch to the next. Is the batch being extended with non-narcotic fillers, or are unknown dangerous chemicals being added? There’s no way to tell, and that uncertainty has lead to serious addiction and the need for reputable spice drug rehab treatment.
Given the unknown composition of any given batch of Spice, the potential for serious health risks is enormous. Some batches may be relatively benign, others could be potentially lethal… there is simply no way to know. That’s why spice drug rehab must happen before tragic strikes.
For all the talk about Spice being a “harmless” drug, its side effects can be quite severe. Spice drug rehab centers frequently have to deal with these symptoms:
High blood pressure
Rapid heart rate
Myocardial ischemia, or reduced blood supply to the heart
Heart attack
It’s difficult to even gauge all of the side effects when the ingredients are a mystery. Many health officials are extremely concerned that many formulas for Spice have been found to contain residue from heavy metals, which is very dangerous when smoked or otherwise ingested. Given such circumstances, spice drug rehab treatment is more important than ever.
A number of public interest groups, along with families affected by Spice addiction, have spearheaded campaigns to elevate the awareness of the public regarding Spice and the numerous dangers it represents. Many members of the public have very little awareness of Spice so these efforts may help prevent the need for spice drug rehab by stopping the problem before it starts.
Who is Most Likely To Become Addicted to Spice? Who Will Need Spice Drug Rehab?
Manufacturers and sellers actively use social media to convince teens that Spice isn’t dangerous or addictive, relying heavily on its association with marijuana and its reputation as a “soft” drug. Yet, Spice is anything but a “soft” drug. Even worse, it can be difficult to spot Spice addiction due to the varying contents. Different chemicals do different things to the body. As the ingredients in Spice vary, so do the effects it has on the body. Getting someone to realize that they need spice drug rehab can be tough if you aren’t even certain they have a Spice addiction.
The risk factors for Spice include the following:
Age: teens are attracted to Spice because they don’t think it’s dangerous.
Environment: drug abuse is often fueled by peer pressure. And Spice is the perfect drug to catch on among teens. They often say to themselves, “It’s only fake weed. How bad can that be?” Spice isn’t seen as dangerous, so the pressure to try it may be enormous in some circles.
Social Awkwardness: most teenagers feel awkward at some point or another. Different teens deal with this in different ways. Some use alcohol or drugs to alleviate feeling out of place. Since Spice is easy to get, it’s a go-to drug for some teens.
Genetics: the tendency to use and abuse drugs runs strong in some families. This can be difficult to overcome without the help of spice drug rehab facility.
Poor self-image: low self-esteem can often be a catalyst for taking drugs.
Mental illness: this is often a cause of alcohol or drug addiction. Individuals are often trying to self-medicate to lessen the effects of their mental disorder.
Stress: pressure to get good grades or do better at work can drive some people to abuse something like Spice.
How Dangerous is Spice Addiction? Is Spice Drug Rehab Really Necessary?
The various chemicals used in Spice pose grave dangers for users, depending on how particular combinations of them react with each other in the body. In addition, the chemicals don’t leave the body quickly. They simply build up with repeated usage. As a result, the effects may get stronger, more unpredictable and potentially dangerous. Spice drug rehab becomes necessary when the addiction begins to spiral out of control.
Side effects of using Spice include:
Severe headaches
Aggressive behavior
Abdominal cramping
Suppressed respiration
High blood pressure
High heart rate
Violent behavior
How Can You Spot the Signs of Spice Addiction, as well as the Need For Spice Drug Rehab
With so many different chemical combinations that can exist in formulating Spice, clearly identifying addiction symptoms can be difficult or nearly impossible in some situations. For parents trying to determine if their child needs spice drug rehab, detective work becomes essential. Careful observation will be required to uncover a Spice addiction in your child. Things to look for that indicate Spice addiction and the need for spice drug rehab include:
Obsession with obtaining more and more Spice
Taking ever-increasing amounts of Spice
Extreme sleepiness, users are difficult to wake in the morning
A strong desire to mix Spice with various other drugs in order to achieve a stronger high
Lack of interest in doing anything other than smoking Spice
Many people are calling Spice the “new crack.” The comparison may be appropriate. In fact, Spice can be dangerous, and parents need to be on the lookout for it. To determine if spice drug rehab could be necessary, look for the following signs of Spice abuse:
Sedated behavior: a sedated appearance is a typical sign to look for. However, parents should also look for evidence of violence, paranoia, behavior problems, sudden apathy and signs of hallucinations. Spice drug rehab could turn this dire situation around.
Distinctive Odors: Many Spice formulations smell similar to marijuana but with a hint of an additional chemical smell. Some say the smell is similar to a faint scent of burning plastic or chemicals used for cleaning.
Changing attitudes: children who previously had many interests and hobbies suddenly drop all of them in order to concentrate entirely on their Spice consumption. Cares, joys, dreams, ambitions… they all fade away as the addiction consumes your child. The need for spice drug rehab becomes inescapable at this point.
Friends who are using: Frequently, friends will introduce drugs to your child. If you discover your child’s friends are using, there’s a very good chance that your child has been exposed to them and may be using them.
Sudden changes in your child’s behavior is nearly always a tip off that Spice addiction could be occurring. An individual displaying even just a few of the above signs could be in the throes of Spice addiction. At the very least, it could indicate that addiction is a distinct possibility in the very near future. If you suspect your child has a Spice addition, you should seek spice drug rehab treatment as soon as possible.
Spice Addiction Withdrawal: What Does It Entail?
Remarkably, some teens don’t even realize that Spice addiction is possible. Some also don’t think that users can experience withdrawal symptoms when they stop smoking Spice. In fact, Spice withdrawal is real. Some addicted individuals say that they get Spice withdrawal symptoms just a short time after they stop smoking the substance. And, as with many drugs, the heavier the addiction, the more difficult withdrawal will be. That’s why breaking free with spice drug rehab is the safest and most effective way of overcoming this addiction. Some users will say they don’t need spice drug rehab but that is the drug making them say that.
Why does withdrawal happen? Because the brain develops a dependence on the chemicals used in Spice and gets used to them being in the body. If they are suddenly not there, the body is thrown into chaos. Out of that chaos come withdrawal symptoms. Withdrawal becomes a test of wills between difficult parts of the brain. One part of the brain wants to quit, the other simply wants you to return to using to feel better again.
These are withdrawal symptoms that users commonly experience:
Loss of appetite
Suicidal thoughts
Intense cravings
Extreme sweating
Loss of motivation
Psychotic episodes
Inability to sleep
Extreme apathy
More dangerous withdrawal symptoms can include high blood pressure, reduced blood flow to the heart, and heart attacks. Many people don’t know that long-term use of Spice compromises the respiratory system and can contribute to schizophrenic or psychotic episodes.
Detox for people addicted to Spice can be difficult. Unfortunately, many avoid spice drug rehab and continue using until they eventually overdose. Unfortunately, a Spice overdose is not always identified by emergency medical personnel.
All too often, EMTs don’t realize that they are looking at a Spice overdose, as most hospitals and drug tests aren’t screening for it. The symptoms of a Spice overdose usually include the following:
Extreme sleepiness, which progresses to stupor or coma
Significant decrease in respiratory rate or respiratory depression
Hypotension or low blood pressure
Hypertension or high blood pressure
Circulatory collapse
Cardiac arrest
To prevent a tragic outcome, immediate medical treatment is necessary if your loved one has overdosed on Spice. Always seek medical attention immediately in the event of a Spice overdose. Once the overdose has been dealt with, it’s time for serious spice drug rehab treatment.
Spice Addiction Detox and Spice Drug Rehab
Some people resist spice drug rehab. Others realize that spice drug rehab is their only realistic way to overcome addiction. A spice drug rehab center will not only end your addiction but also help you understand how addiction occurred in the first place. Through one-on-one and group counseling, you’ll understand yourself better than you ever have. Before you leave treatment, you’ll learn valuable coping methods for dealing with the inevitable temptations and triggers you’ll encounter once you return home.
Spice addiction can be overcome. Now is the time to do what it takes to put your life back on track.